Innovation, Creativity, New NormalAbstract
This research was conducted to determine business innovation and creativity to increase sales in the new normal era in smes in Cirebon. So that a business can run, develop and be in demand and tends to be liked by consumers. Therefore, an entrepreneur needs to make a new breakthrough (innovation) in the business he is running. In order to get large profits, creativity is needed in a business venture so that it can compete in its business field. Furniture is furniture that is necessary, useful or even liked by some people, such as goods or objects that can be moved around, used to equip homes, offices and so on. As well as supporting their daily activities. The large number of furniture businesses has made competition even tighter, coupled with advances in technology that require furniture businesses to be more creative and innovate. This research describes efforts to be creative and innovate any product or service so that product sales can continue to increase and keep the product afloat in the midst of a lot of competition
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