Zakat Transformation:Study of Zakat Management in the Digital Era


  • Mohammad Ridwan UI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon Author
  • Gama Pratama UI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon Author
  • Muhammad Amin Nurdin UI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon Author


This research was conducted to analyze and study the transformation of zakat management from conventional management to virtual management. Zakat management is characterized by management patterns that are not yet systematic and programmed through applications, while virtual management is carried out using systematic zakat applications starting from the model for collecting zakat funds to distribution. The research method used is the research and development (RnD) method to produce new product designs, test the effectiveness of existing products and develop and create new products from the research studied. Based on the results of research on zakat transformation as a study of virtual zakat management in the digital era, it can be concluded that virtual zakat management requires at least superior human resources (HR) according to their field, and a productive transformational leadership model. Apart from that, virtual zakat management requires a systematic management transformation through applications in both collecting zakat funds, managing zakat and distributing zakat which can make it easier for amil to carry out their duties.




How to Cite

Zakat Transformation:Study of Zakat Management in the Digital Era. (2023). International Conference of Bunga Bangsa, 1(2), 14-33.