Social Phenomenon: Hedonistic Lifestyle in Eid Al-Fitr Celebrations from an Islamic Economic Perspective


  • Gama Pratama UI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon Author
  • Mohammad Ridwan UI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon Author


There are five celebrations in Islam, namely Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, Islamic New Year, Isra Miraj, and the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad which are always celebrated by Muslims with great fanfare. Of the five celebrations, the most crowded and fantastic moment is the Eid al-Fitr celebration, because at the moment of Eid al-Fitr celebration energy, time and thoughts are focused on welcoming Eid al-Fitr. Goals that need to be expressed. Normatively and universally, the explanation of the hedonistic lifestyle in celebrating Eid al-Fitr, however, the meaning needs to be expressed coherently with the existing phenomena from the experiences of the subjects who do it. This article explores the subject's perceptions, feelings and experiences such as social reality, politics and economic issues that influence intercultural communication in interpreting the Eid al-Fitr celebration. This research method uses a qualitative approach with a critical approach that emphasizes human creativity and tries to carefully record the reality of human life which is constructed through communication. In this study, the research subjects were a group of people with a primary source of 10 informants. Data collection techniques use initial observation, interviews, documentation. The results of Eid al-Fitr celebrations carried out by some residents of Sumber District include: the tradition of buying new clothes, new items and everything, apart from that, serving special food, giving THR, picnics and staying in touch, but to fulfill this tradition, some of the people of Sumber District willing to do anything, even going into debt and selling the things they own in order to fulfill the tradition of celebrating Eid. Then, in sharia economics, the practice carried out by some people in Sumber Subdistrict is an Israf or excessive attitude which is forbidden in Islam, so it is contrary to the principles of sharia economics. However, despite this, the popular or excessive culture of celebrating Eid al-Fitr not only has a negative impact but also a positive impact on regional economic growth, namely because of the rapid flow of money from cities to villages, the tradition of friendship and giving alms as a form of gratitude to Allah SWT.




How to Cite

Social Phenomenon: Hedonistic Lifestyle in Eid Al-Fitr Celebrations from an Islamic Economic Perspective. (2023). International Conference of Bunga Bangsa, 1(2), 55-73.