
  • Elang Bakhrudin Institut Agama Islam Al-Zaytun, Indonesia Author


Da'wah, Innovative, Digital


As is known, the task of preachers in preaching is not limited to conveying messages and making an impression, but they are also expected to be able to manage the preaching message to make it more interesting, effective and efficient. Currently, internet media with its various platforms has been widely used by preachers as a means of da'wah, but it must be admitted that there is still a lack of creativity and lack of innovation so that the voice of their preaching tends not to get much response from cyber society. Therefore, the author conducted studies and research on how to innovate and be creative in managing da'wah messages through digital media platforms. In this scientific paper the author uses literature study and literature review methods. Based on the results of the study, the author concludes that the interest of the virtual world community, in this case as mad'u, is in the da'wah messages that are packaged by preachers in an innovative and creative way. The method is the same as content creators who continue to learn to manage interesting messages tailored to market needs, or collaborate with media practitioners and can also collaborate with public figures on certain events and moments. Da'i who are able to adapt to globalization and innovate in their da'wah on the internet such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, podcasts, etc. will be able to attract the interest of users who are their followers to continue following the da'wah messages conveyed.


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How to Cite

DIGITAL ERA DAKWAH INNOVATION. (2024). International Conference of Bunga Bangsa, 2(1), 823-841.

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