
  • Siti Rokobah STAI Nida El-Adabi, Bogor, Indonesia Author


Dhuha, Islamic education, Hadith


The aim of this research is to analyze the philosophy of dhuha in the perspective of Islamic education by studying the Muslim Bukhari hadith. The research method uses qualitative research with a library research study approach. For analysis of hadiths using Muslim History hadith no. 2377 who performs dhuha prayers is the same as praying for the joints of the body. From the perspective of this hadith, dhuha prayers can give positive energy to a person, where by performing dhuha prayers it provides (bersodaqah) for the physical and psychological. However, many people don't understand how important the Duha prayer is because judging from the routine that is carried out every day, let's take the time to pray the Duha prayer, as a feeling of gratitude to Allah who has given us all the blessings. This concept teaches us the importance of contributing and sharing with others with sincerity and kindness. Our joints must be moved every day because every joint in the body has an important role in maintaining the stability and health of the body's movements. By giving charity, a person's joints show gratitude and appreciation to God who has given strength and health to help others by giving kindness to others. "So let's carry out the Dhuha prayer every day so that our bodies and joints are healthy." there is no day without dhuha prayer.


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How to Cite

DHUHA PHILOSOPHY IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION (Study of the Hadith of Bukhari Muslim). (2024). International Conference of Bunga Bangsa, 2(1), 571-582. https://journal.epublish.id/index.php/icobba/article/view/65

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