
  • Ika Alpiyah STAI Nida El-Adabi Author


Evaluation, Islamic Education, IT


Tests and evaluation tools play a crucial role in efforts to evaluate Islamic Religious Education learning. Tests, as a commonly used evaluation tool, provide an overview of students' understanding of Islamic Religious Education material. Tests may include written tests, oral tests, objective tests (multiple choice), or practical tests.The rapid development of information technology, especially in the field of education, has become the basis for evaluating Islamic religious education learning so far, conventional learning evaluations still have several shortcomings. These include the validity of exam results as well as effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, technology that can solve these problems is needed. The technology is in the form of a system that helps educators undergo assessment, such as IT-based tests. The purpose of this research is to improve evaluation efficiency, accuracy and objectivity and facilitate effective feedback. This research uses the type of library research. The results of this study indicate that creating an information technology-based Islamic Education evaluation system can help improve Islamic Education evaluation and learning by considering efficiency, accuracy, evaluation and analysis


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How to Cite

DEVELOPMENT OF AN EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION SYSTEM IT-BASED ISLAMIC RELIGION. (2024). International Conference of Bunga Bangsa, 2(1), 217-225.

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