leadership, headmaster, TeacherAbstract
Kiai have a very important role in the world of education, especially Islamic education in Islamic boarding schools. The position and influence of the kiai lies in the virtues of the kiai, namely mastery and depth of religious knowledge. The leadership of Islamic boarding school kiai is recognized as very effective in improving the image of Islamic boarding schools in the wider community. The fame of a pesantren is usually directly proportional to the role of the kiai, especially the kyai who founded the Islamic boarding school. Both of them need Islamic boarding schools, they need kiai as a symbol of leadership, and kiai need Islamic boarding schools as a place to affirm their identity as leaders and institutions of Islamic religious education. To produce the next generation who are intelligent, have noble character, it is necessary to evaluate or improve the role of Islamic boarding school leaders. This research is an effort to determine the role of Islamic boarding school leaders in the formation of the character of students. Researchers use a qualitative approach which produces data obtained from research objects using interview, observation and documentation methods which are then analyzed by describing the data from informants, reducing the data, then analyzed by the author and concluded to answer questions. The results of the research show that: (1) The character formation of students in Islamic boarding schools is by training discipline, responsibility and independence which is carried out both inside and outside the classroom. (2) The methods used are habituation, memorization, and reward or punishment methods.
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