
  • Rukti Hidayah Cahya Utami STAI Nida El-Adabi, Bogor, Indonesia Author
  • Syahlarriyadi STAI Nida El-Adabi, Bogor, Indonesia Author


Religious Education, Rosulullah Method, Era Society 5.0


The era of Society 5.0 is in front of the eyes of many countries that have prepared various preparations to welcome it all. PAI Learning Planning in the 5.0 era aims to know the steps in making PAI learning planning in the 5.0 era. Where learning planning is inseparable from objectives, materials, methods and media. The goals taken are goals that synergize between the goals of PAI and the goals of society 5.0. That is a society that must have high critical, creative, collaborative skills. Furthermore, this discussion also refers to how Rosulullah applies learning methods. So as to be able to turn students into Muslims with the character of faith and piety who will be able to produce noble akhlaq. Where in this method there are several references, namely, initial preparation for teaching, initial attitude when learning, attitude when teaching, attitude when closing the material, attitude to students when asking, attitude to students as a whole, and the method used by Rosulullah in teaching. In planning PAI learning in the 5.0 era, a teacher must pay attention to whether the objectives, materials, methods, media are appropriate according to Islam and according to the times. Solely it is all with the aim of increasing understanding to know his god better to become a man ulul albab.


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ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ROSUL METHOD IN THE ERA OF SOCIETY 5.0. (2024). International Conference of Bunga Bangsa, 2(1), 548-560.

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