gender literacy, effort, communication, interest and understandingAbstract
The characteristics and distribution of role domains that are formed and believed by society are essentially detrimental to women, even though men are also physically and mentally disadvantaged. Social facts show differences in roles that trigger gender inequality which include marginalization, subordination, gender stereotypes and double burdens. The existence of gender literacy is needed to make campus academics aware of this problem and make understanding gender literacy. Gender literacy is important because it will form a better awareness and understanding of concepts, social roles, stereotypes and dynamics that occur in relationships between men and women. Efforts to provide access to literature supported by the formation of peer groups are the right way to build interest and increase understanding of gender literacy. This research aims to provide an overview of the efforts made and determine the increase in students' interest and understanding of gender literacy. The research carried out was quasi-experimental research with a mixed methods approach. The research procedure divided the group into two, namely the experimental group and the control group. The total population is 29 students of class 10 Communication and Islamic Broadcasting. The sample was selected using purposive sampling technique. The quantitative data collection tool used was a student response scale consisting of 32 items which were then analyzed using the t test, while qualitative data was collected through interviews. The results of the research show that the implementation of providing inclusive access to literature within peer groups can increase students' interest and understanding. The data results show that the average value of the experimental group is greater than the control group, namely 122.66 with the average value of the control group being 89.16. The group communication pattern that is formed allows students to feel feedback and mutual motivation between members, thus supporting the growth of interest and understanding that is created comprehensively.
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