Teacher Assistance in Implementing Islamic Class Management to Improve Student Character in Elementary Schools
Character education, Classroom management, Islamic valuesAbstract
This community service activity aims to improve teachers' abilities in developing student character that is in line with Islamic values through effective classroom management strategies. The program specifically targets elementary school teachers to strengthen their role in shaping students' moral and ethical development. The methods used in this service include a series of workshops, practical training and further mentoring. Initially, the workshop was conducted to introduce the theoretical framework of Islamic classroom management. This is followed by hands-on training where teachers apply the concepts in real classrooms, and ends with mentoring sessions to overcome challenges and refine implementation. The results of this program show a significant increase in teachers' understanding and application of Islamic classroom management principles. Teachers report increased confidence in designing and implementing classroom activities that build student character. Observations also show positive changes in student behavior, such as increased discipline, cooperation, and respect for peers and teachers. In conclusion, this program is effective in supporting elementary school teachers in integrating Islamic values into classroom management. This highlights the importance of ongoing support and a practice-oriented approach to maintain impact on student character development. Future initiatives could expand to include collaborative efforts between teachers and the broader school community to create a more comprehensive character development environment.
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