
  • Dede Abdurohman Universitas Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon Author
  • Moch. Fahmi Firmansyah Universitas Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon Author


The digital era or commonly known as 4.0 is where efforts are being made to shift towards digitalization. One of the impacts of digitalization is in the field of muamalah (buying and selling transactions). Moreover, Indonesia is currently experiencing an outbreak of the corona virus (Covid-19), where the government is giving people living rules so that activities can be carried out at home as an effort to protect themselves. This activity will provide a spike in online buying and selling transactions, whether through Shope, Tokopedia, Lazada, and so on. There is a need for legal efforts to identify whether the transaction is in accordance with the law in muamalah, namely muamalah fiqh? The method used in this research is a legal research method with qualitative analysis, the approach uses normative data. The results of the research are that online transactions are in accordance with muamalah fiqh, the use of the contract is the greeting contract. This is because people order by providing the characteristics of the object to be purchased, while the seller has provided a detailed description of the item itself.


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How to Cite

LEGAL REALIZATION OF SALAM AGREEMENTS IN ONLINE PURCHASING AND PURCHASING. (2024). International Conference of Bunga Bangsa, 2(1), 310-322.